Blogs from the past
Interested in a little light reading? I have been blogging off and on for the past 5 years. When things come up in my life, I have found blogging to be an amazing outlet. I wish I could combine them all into one, so if any techie people out there read this and can do so, please help!
It's also been a wonderful way to reach out to others. Links are below!
It's also been a wonderful way to reach out to others. Links are below!
Remarried WidowI found myself posting on this blog after I felt like I was back on my feet. After I felt level headed enough to share again.
WidowedThis was a blog I started after I was widowed. I was in need of reaching out to anyone who just understood. I shared a lot. I don't remember posting most of this. I still don't go back and read them Still too painful.
Jakes JourneyJakes Journey was my first experience with blogging. I started this blog to mainly keep all of our family and friends on the same page when it came to what was happening, medically, in Jakes life. My last blog post here was 1 month before Steven passed.